
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2004


New Anti-Spam Algorithms for Google

Announced by Michael Schmitt, a Google Software Engineer at the Search Engines Strategies Conference (SESC) in Munic this week: "Automatic Spam-Detection has highest priority for Google".
Source: www.suchmaschinentricks.de

Neue Anti-Spam-Algorithmen auf Google kommen "in Kürze"

Die automatisierte Bekämpfung von Spam habe "höchste Priorität für Google", erklärte Michael Schmitt, Software Engineer von Google, auf der Search Engines Strategies Conference (SESC), die Montag und Dienstag in München stattfand.
Quelle: www.suchmaschinentricks.de


Update of Pagerank 10 Charts in October 2003.

Actually Google has updated it's backlinks and pagerank data. The same with the Pr10 Charts, they have been updated too and can be found at Pagerank 10 List October 2003. Remarkable: The last month candidate from outside the US has left the charts.


Second Update of Pagerank 10 Charts in September.

Actually Google is updating it's backlinks and pagerank data. The Pr10 Charts have been updated too. The new Charts can be found at Pagerank 10. Remarkable: Yahoo is back in the charts and a new candidate outside the US has been found.


September Update: PR10 Charts

At the end of August Google updated the Pagerank data. The Pr10 Charts have been updated too. The new Charts for September can be found here.


August Update: PR10 List - Sites with Pagerank 10

In the meantime Google is updating its pagerank. The upcoming data can be seen at several datacenters like www-cw.google.com or www-in.google.com and will be completed over the next days. The August List of all PR10 websites is therefore a little bit ahead of the times.


PR10 List - Sites with Pagerank 10

Here is a list of all PR10 websites I could find so far. It's a very small list, even Yahoo.com or the White House dropped down to PR9 now! Though there are other pages like news.google.com, Adobe Reader Download or Apples Quicktime Download with a PR10, I left them out as a kind of common sense related to the other lists like google.dirson.com or www.webrankinfo.com. Probably this will change in the future.


Automatic PageRank Information Lookup

Under Automatic PageRank Information Lookup you will find a service that enables users to make requests to the Google PageRank Servers without usage of the Google Toolbar. Even worse, the site sells additional services like PageRank Databases (Top1000 Guestbooks, sorted by PR). Most exciting, they announce the publication of the commented source code of the toolbar checksum algorithm.


Google Compute

Donate your computer's idle time to help scientific research.
Googles next ingenious project - they've added a wonderful new feature to the
google toolbar: distributed computing: Google Compute


Google or Goggle, that's the question.
At least for many surfers that either don't remember the correct diction or try to guess it.
Google is the authentic target of surfers interest, and Goggle not :)


Test it.

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